DC: (202) 743-1112 | ME: (207) 619-1112 info@spanktheelephantpac.com

House Races – Candidates We Support & Target

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Our Targeted For Defeat List

We are currently compiling our target for defeat list. To do that, we decide who we are going to support. And then we target their opponents, either in the primary or the in the general, or both. When we see racial injustice, like when Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN CD5) and Rashida Tliab (D-MI CD12) were attacked because they are Muslim. Rashida was censured for standing up for babies being killed in GAZA, and Ilhan Omar was thrown off the Foreign Affairs committee. Any member – of either Party in any district – is fair game if they vote to do things like that. We’ll do a complete assessment of our electoral targets and will determine their electoral vulnerabilities, and, if we determine it’s feasible, we’ll use social media to raise their negatives to defeat them.

Senate Races We Support Or Target

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Republicans have become the racist Party.

They are fighting to keep Congress male and white, and they clearly care more about meeting their racist goals than they care about the issues of governing.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. But the best way to win is with women candidates, and particularly women candidates of color. They’re not only more electable now when compared to their boring, old, white male alternatives, they are also the best way to counter racists and the racist agenda to voters. All communities across America need that role model. They need to be the new normal, and the best way to be sure that racism NEVER becomes a new normal. EVER! Our primary target: Elect – and keep elected – more women, and particularly women of color, to the US House and Senate.

SpankTheElephantPAC.com raises our favored candidate’s favorability and we specialize in raising their opponents’ negatives so our candidates don’t have to get into the mud with GOP extremists and racists.

Please contribute what you can. ALL HANDS ON DECK!


Former President Bone Spurs And The
Republicans Have RE-Written The Constitution.

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Days Until 2024 Election






