DC: (202) 743-1112 | ME: (207) 619-1112 info@spanktheelephantpac.com

Primary: 6/25/2024 Information

Sarah Klee Hood

Sarah Klee Hood

SpankTheElephantPAC.com is looking at NY-22. Sarah Klee Hood had a really interesting showing in 2022, almost winning her primary while being outspent. She clearly shows this district is winnable. If she wins her primary she'll be running against right wing radical Republican, Brandon Williams, who doesn't even live in NY-22. This is a race to watch, and SpankTheElephantPAC.com is watching this race closely. Her primary may spread us too thin,...



AOC has been out front on Israel's human rights abuses. That has her currently being targeted by AIPAC. If they get serious we'll prioritize her opponent. Like Ilhan, we'll take a career ending approach to the opposition of any of her opponents. In January 2021, Rep. AOC was sworn-in for her second term in Congress. Just a few days later, on January 6, the Capitol was breached for the first time since the War of 1812. Along with several...